Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 10: Is That Why I'm Here?

So I woke up in the doom and gloom of the previous days meltdown...but the boxes weren't going to open themselves.

I was able to pull myself out of my crazy and attempt to pull myself back together.  At some point during the day I decided that maybe I was being a little rough on myself.  I had moved 1000 miles, and completely changed everything in my world....and my childrens' world....and my pets world....and we were all having a little bit of trouble adjusting.  But we would....eventually.

So Savannah had Young Womens that night, Baylee was meeting some friends to learn a dance for the primary activity on Friday night and Felix was going to be home sometime around midnight.  So we were off.

I dropped Savannah off, waited with Baylee, and unfortunately her friends weren't able to make tears and tears later....I was chase down and told one of the counselors in the bishopric wanted to talk to me.

Long story, super was an interview to see what callings I felt I could handle.  Basically after spilling my guts...actually I was rather contained, for me anyway.  And my answer to callings was, I would go where Heavenly Father wanted me.  My schedule was always unpredictable, but if He needed me somewhere, He would make it all work.

Then the conversation turned to sports.  Sport are big here.  Did I mention, sports are HUGE here?

Then the conversation turned to why I was in Missouri.  How did we get there?  We were talking about Lacrosse, and the fact that was the only sport not in the town.  But I digress....

The counselor said he was talking to the High Councilman about why so many people from out of state were coming to Farmington.  The High Councilman reiterated the revelation from Parley P. Pratt, talking about how the Saints from the West would return to Missouri to strengthen the Saints.

Is that why I'm here?  Have they met me?

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